
Introduction to AAlib

AAlib is a library to render any graphic into ASCII Art.

Package information

AAlib dependencies

Installation of AAlib

Install AAlib by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install


The AAlib package contains the libaa libraries, aalib-config, aainfo, aatest, aasavefont and aafire.


ASCII Art libraries

The ASCII Art library is a collection of routines to render any graphical input in portable format to ASCII Art. It can be used through many programs and has a very well documented API, so you can easily put it into your own programs.


aalib-config provides configuration info for AAlib.


aainfo provides information for your current settings related to AAlib.


aatest shows the abilities of AAlib in a little test.


aafire is another little toy of AAlib , rendering an animated fire in ASCII Art.

Last updated on 2005-02-07 14:16:21 -0700