TITLE: Ximian LFS VERSION: 1.0.0 AUTHOR: Jonathan Lozinski (j_lozinski@yahoo.co.uk) SYNOPSIS: LFS POST-INSTALL TO GET LOVELY XIMIAN DESKTOP --------------------------------------------- HINT: INTRO ----- This is a very simple hint into setting up a lfs system with the ximian desktop Some of this is not entirely needed for everyone, such as the wvdial, but I use them to get a working system up and running. This doesn't cover installing X, just uses the binaries. X is installed to get up and running with FTP and WWW in a graphical environment to make life a little easier, also the development stuff in X is needed to compile many gnome/Ximian files.. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- some of this is taken out of the gnome hint, and maybe a couple of others, I wish to respect the authors of hints who's work I have borrowed from.. Sorry not to mention by name, but... PRE-INSTALL ----------- Before we start installing Ximian files we need to get a few bits of software installed. If you have already versions of this installed *newer or equal* then happy days. Graphics Libraries ------------------ zlib [zlib-1.1.3] ---- Although not specifically a graphics library it's needed for png etc.. ./configure --prefix=/usr --shared && make && make install ldconfig libpng [libpng-1.0.8] ------ cp scripts/makefile.linux Makefile make ZLIBINC=/usr ZLIBLIB=/usr prefix=/usr all install ldconfig libjpg [jpeg-6b] ------ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-shared make && make install ldconfig libtiff [tiff-v3.5.5] ------- ./configure you will need to tell manually to go to /usr instead of /usr/local/... make all install ldconfig rm -r /tiff.sw.tools libungif [libungif-4.1.0b1] -------- ./configure \ --prefix=/usr make all install ldconfig ******************************************************************************* *********** THIS SECTION IS NOT COMPULSORY READ BELOW AND DECIDE ************** ******************************************************************************* This is only if you need to get your system up with X etc.. to down load source it's not necessary even then. I just reckon that compiling in X with several xterms and having a browser and internet connection are handy when building in case you need something you didn't realise. lynx would do, but opera and igloo run well.. and remember X is compulsary to install gnome! Xfree4.20 (binary) --------- for speed to get up I didn't compile X from scratch, could do at a later date, but I didn't have the source. You will of course need X to compile most ximian packages however! opera5 (static) ------ downloaded from www.opera.com, static version as no libs installed as of yet *does* require above gfx libs to display pics.. ./install.sh set prefix=/opt/opera ln /opt/opera/bin/opera /usr/bin/ [SIDE NOTE ON OPERA] Now with opera6 beta whatever you can use netscape plugins, so finaly flash works with it. The thing is, it needs motif, so you might want to install that here: [openMotif] ----------- download: ftp://ftp.uk.linux.org/pub/linux/openmotif/2.2/src/openMotif-2.2.2.tar.gz install: ./configure --prefix=/usr make && make install ldconfig The compile kicked out in doing demos/animate. I just copied xmanimate.c to animate.c and then make again... Finally make .so.2 link ln -s /usr/lib/libXm.so /usr/lib/libXm.so.2 iglooFTP (static) -------- other FTP clients available, but this one here if static with GTK+ is pretty efficient and downloads in a Q, including recursive dir's and spawning sessions from clip-board.. ppp [ppp-2.4.1] --- dialup daemon ./configure --prefix=/usr make && make install WVDIAL [wvdial-1.42] ------ dialup wrapper, nice job.. make && make PREFIX=/usr install wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf cp wvdial.conf.5 /usr/man/man5/ Now edit /etc/wvdial.conf to isp details.. ******************************************************************************* ******************************** END OF SECTION ******************************* ******************************************************************************* Ruin a Perfectly good Machine ----------------------------- Yes, I know we're lfs-ing, but we know we need rpm for a number of reasons, some people for reasons known to themselves alone do not release in anything other than rpm format. The reason we need it in particular is because ximian source is actually source rpms anyway... db1 [db.1.85.4] {from rpm-glibc... hint} In the file ./hash/hash.h change errno on the line 106 to m_errno After that, replace occurrences ->errno with ->m_errno for following lines of files : ./hash/hash.c lines 508 539 556 560 577 581 732 ./hash/ndbm.c lines 183 193 Build and install the package cd PORT/linux make install -m644 libdb.a /usr/local/lib/libdb1.a mkdir /usr/local/include/db1 install -m644 ../include/ndbm.h /usr/local/include/db1 install -m644 ../../include/db.h /usr/local/include/db1 install -m644 ../../include/mpool.h /usr/local/include/db1 ldconfig db3 [db-3.1.17] --- used to get rpm running cd build_unix/ ../dist/configure \ --disable-nls \ --enable-rpc \ --enable-diagnostic \ --enable-compat185 \ --enable-cxx \ --prefix=/usr/local \ --includedir=/usr/local/include/db3 make docdir=/usr/local/share/doc/BerkeleyDB.3.1.17 make -e install cd /usr/local/lib v -v libdb.a libdb-3.1.a ln -sv libdb-3.1.a libdb.a mv -v libdb_cxx.a libdb_cxx-3.1.a ln -sv libdb_cxx-3.1.a libdb_cxx.a and again aparently cd build_unix/ ../dist/configure \ --disable-nls \ --enable-rpc \ --enable-diagnostic \ --enable-compat185 \ --enable-cxx \ --prefix=/usr/local \ --includedir=/usr/local/include/db3 \ --enable-shared make docdir=/usr/local/share/doc/BerkeleyDB.3.1.17 make -e install rpm4 [rpm-4.0.2] ---- vi lib/db3.c at line 12 change to, then save and exit: #include ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install rpm --initdb rpm --rebuilddb ******************************************************************************* ************** Important information about Ximian Sources ********************* ******************************************************************************* This hint covers information about installing ximian from sources. The sources I downloaded was from mandrake 7.0's sources. The reason I chose these was because I have a celeron system and optimized most compiles for i686, others may work, but who knows - I don't know of any reason why these wont work even if you're not using celeron system... As to compiling them.. I have made no attempt to identify dependencies, I just adopted the stratagy of finding what would compile in what order. I compiled libs etc.. first. Other things like what packages are needed and what you may not want to install, that's up to you. I pretty much compiled in an order that I thought was needed, and skipped a few apps which maybe I wouldn't use until last... Getting the source out of the rpm --------------------------------- To get the source and it's patches from a src.rpm do the following: rpm -i ximian.source.file.src.rpm pushd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES Now you can untar the packages in and cd to the dir and then follow the instructions given on a per package basis in this hint. ******************************************************************************* ************* VERY IMPORTANT START STUFF FROM GNOME HINT! ********************* ******************************************************************************* Pre-build instructions ---------------------- Setting up compile commands. export GNOME_ROOT=/opt/gnome export PATH=$PATH:$GNOME_ROOT/bin echo $GNOME_ROOT/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf export GNOME_OPTS="--prefix=$GNOME_ROOT --with-gnu-ld --disable-static" alias gcfg='./configure $GNOME_OPTS' Pre-install dependancies ------------------------ openssl [openssl-0.9.6] ------- export OPENSSL_ROOT=/opt/OpenSSL ./config \ --prefix=$OPENSSL_ROOT \ --openssldir=$OPENSSL_ROOT \ shared make && make install cd /usr/lib for file in lib{crypto,ssl}.{a,so.0.9.6} do ln -s $OPENSSL_ROOT/lib/$file done ln -s libcrypto.so.0.9.6 libcrypto.so.0 ln -s libssl.so.0.9.6 libssl.so.0 ln -s libcrypto.so.0 libcrypto.so ln -s libssl.so.0 libssl.so cd /usr/include && ln -s $OPENSSL_ROOT/include/openssl unset OPENSSL_ROOT ldconfig readline [readline-4.2a] -------- ./configure \ --prefix=/usr make all install cd shlib/ make all install ldconfig bc [bc-1.06] -- ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-readline sed 's|\(^_PR.*readline.*$\)|/* \1 */|' bc/scan.l > new-scan.l && mv new-scan.l bc/scan.l make all install ldconfig lcms [lcms-1.07] ---- sh ./install.gcc ldconfig libmng ------ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-zlib=/usr \ --with-jpeg=/usr \ --with-lcms=/usr make all install ldconfig gmp [gmp-3.1.1] --- patch -i ../gmp-3.1.1.dif ./configure --prefix=/usr make all install ldconfig gdbm [gdbm-1.8.0] ---- -REQUIRES A USER bin, try.. although userid and group no can change bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/bin/bash gcfg make all install ldconfig liconv ------ *** I DID NOT INSTALL! *** according to gnome hint liconv should be installed to correct errors of some kind. I don't know if that's from older lfs or what, but I know that the first time I did ximian compiling the whole thing went mental when it came to iconv and it did my head in, so I tried another time without - MUCH BETTER! It's up to you, maybe the version of libiconv I was trying to use was crap, I don't know, but it all works without it, so ;) libxml2 [libxml2-2.4.12] ------- not strictly needed, but many ximian apps need it, so good to put it in.. ./configure --prefix=/usr make && make install ldconfig ******************************************************************************* ************** OK We're finally into the ximian packages! ********************* ******************************************************************************* Intro ----- In this section filenames are listed of the src.rpm's used to install, underneath is a list of what was done with the contents of the archive. The source and any patches were found by: cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ In certain cases you're not to untar the main file, but the hint states it clearly. Otherwise you're expected, as in LFS, to untar and cd into the dir before executing the commands listed. Follow the instructions under each file for how it was compiled, any unusual situations encountered will be mentiond also. I have usually done an 'ldconfig' after every compile, just in case, it does no harm.. but make sure ldconfig will look in the new gnome dir, ie add: /opt/gnome/lib to your /etc/ld.so.conf [although this should have been done by the setup earlier.. so check..] Libraries first: ---------------- Well, libraries are a good place to start to fulfil dependancies for other apps: glib-1.2.10-ximian.2.src.rpm ---------------------------- gcfg make && make install ldconfig gtk+-1.2.10-ximian.21.src.rpm ----------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-filesel-navigation-buttons.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-filesel-move-fileops.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-filesel-save-dir.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-filesel-wmanager-realized-fix.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-filesel-dirchanged-fix.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-fix-dnd-crash.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-focus.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-mac_ctree.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk+-no-grab-env-var.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtk-style-default-theme-draw-on-pixmaps.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtkentry-blinky.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtkmenubar-noborder.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtkmenuitem-timeout.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gtkrange-wide.patch gcfg make && make install ldconfig imlib-1.9.10-ximian.2.src.rpm ----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig libghttp-1.0.9-ximian.5.src.rpm ------------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig libogg-1.0beta4-ximian.3.src.rpm -------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig libole2-0.2.3-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------ ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig librep-0.13.4-ximian.6.src.rpm ------------------------------ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gdbm-prefix=/opt/gnome make make install ldconfig gdk-pixbuf-0.11.0-ximian.5.src.rpm ---------------------------------- gcfg make make install ldconfig libsigc++-1.0.3-ximian.3.src.rpm -------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig libunicode-0.4.gnome-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig libvorbis-1.0beta4-ximian.4.src.rpm ----------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig ******* I HAD ERRORS HERE ****** gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11 I never had these problems last time, so it could be related to the version of LFS I am using this time around.. This has someting to do with compiler optimization, so if it does bomb out then do the following to the configure file line 1629: change: CFLAGS="-O20 -ffast-math -mno-ieee-fp -D_REENTRANT -fsigned-char" to: CFLAGS="-O2 -ffast-math -D_REENTRANT -fsigned-char" and line 1631: change: PROFILE="-Wall -W -pg -g -O20 -ffast-math -mno-ieee-fp -D_REENTRANT -fsigned-char -fno-inline -static" to: PROFILE="-Wall -W -pg -g -O2 -ffast-math -D_REENTRANT -fsigned-char -fno-inline" ******************************************************************************* ****************** Now for the rest of the Gtk+ stuff ************************ ******************************************************************************* gtkmm-1.2.5-ximian.2.src.rpm ---------------------------- gcfg && make && make install && ldconfig gtk-engines-0.12-ximian.1.src.rpm --------------------------------- gcfg && make && make install && ldconfig gtk-engines-thinice-1.0.4-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------------------ gcfg && make && make install && ldconfig gtk-themes-0.1-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------- slightly diffrent, there are two files.. untar both then... patch -Np1 -i ../gtk-themes-makefile.patch && prefix=/opt/gnome/ make install ORBit-0.5.12-ximian.1.src.rpm ----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome/ && make && make install && ldconfig oaf-0.6.7-ximian.2.src.rpm -------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../oaf-michael-fixety.patch && gcfg --enable-oaf-debug=no && make && make install && ldconfig GConf-1.0.4-ximian.1.src.rpm ---------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gconf-no_schemas.patch && gcfg --enable-debug=no && make all install && mv /opt/gnome/etc/gconf/1/path.example /opt/gnome/etc/gconf/1/path && ldconfig audiofile-0.2.1-ximian.2.src.rpm -------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/usr make && make install && ldconfig esound-0.2.22-ximian.3.src.rpm ------------------------------ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --disable-static && make && make install && ldconfig popt-1.5-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------- gcfg --enable-static && make && make install && ldconfig gnome-libs-1.2.13-ximian.11.src.rpm ----------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../RH-gnome-libs-echok.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../RH-gnome-libs-rhsnddefs.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-LZWStream.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-dont-install-some-docs.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-fhs-compliant-gtkrc.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-fix-score-path.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-monkeytalk.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-pixmap-load-ref-bug.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-libs-zvt-underline.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-moz-mozilla.patch Had problems in compile with __db185_open or something, so did configure: gcfg --enable-prefer-db1 && make && make install freetype2-2.0.1-ximian.1.src.rpm -------------------------------- make setup CFG="--prefix=/usr" make make install ldconfig scrollkeeper-0.2-ximian.3.src.rpm --------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../scrollkeeper-correct-symlinks.patch patch -Np1 -i ../scrollkeeper-mkdir.patch patch -Np1 -i ../scrollkeeper-no-update.patch sed 's|=lib/scrollkeeper|=scrollkeeper|g' configure > configure~ cp configure~ configure gcfg make all install ldconfig you may have minor issue with omf-install and # in automake, if so simply edit omf-install/Makefile.am and move the #comments to the start of the line and then cd .. and then make again. gnome-print-0.34-ximian.1.src.rpm --------------------------------- gcfg --with-zlib=/usr make all install ldconfig bonobo-1.0.17-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------ ISSUES with libesd needed to link /usr/X11R6/lib/libesd... to /usr/local/lib gcfg make all install ldconfig guile-1.4-ximian.9.src.rpm -------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../guile-glibc2.2-inet_aton.patch gcfg --with-threads make all install ldconfig there are two other patches in this package which I could not get to work but you might be able to, readline was mainly the error. patch -Np1 -i ../guile-snarf-cflags.patch patch -Np1 -i ../guile-readline-include.patch slib-2d1-ximian.6.src.rpm [to do with scheme] ------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../slib-install-target.patch make prefix=/opt/gnome make prefix=/opt/gnome install GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/opt/gnome/share/guile/slib \ guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)" gnome-vfs-1.0.1-ximian.5.src.rpm -------------------------------- There are two archive in this, note desktop-vfs-module-0.2 delayed until pkg-config avail** [gnome-vfs-1.0.1] patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-need-newlines-for-sed.patch patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-process-fix.patch patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-rh-segvfix.patch patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-rh-notrashscan.patch patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-rh-desktop-sniff.patch patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-rh-abiword_mime.patch patch -Np2 -i ../gnome-vfs-rh-gimpuris.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig control-center- --------------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../background-gradient.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-1.0.5-limitedbgs.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-1.0.5-numwallpapers.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-esdrelease.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-fsbgpath.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-new-browser-capplet.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-no-emboss.patch patch -Np1 -i ../control-center-nosound.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnomecc-mac_ctree.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig libglade-0.16-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------ gcfg --enable-bonobo --disable-bonobotest make all install ldconfig gdk-pixbuf-0.11.0-ximian.5.src.rpm ---------------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig bug-buddy-2.0.8-ximian.1.src.rpm -------------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig gal-0.19-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gal-use-broken-iconv.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig **************************************** ********** SPECIAL NOTICE!!! *********** **************************************** Evolution: If you want, as I did, to use the very latest version of evolution rather than the one that comes from ximians release, then you will need to download the latest version of gal and other support files with the source of evolution... This is what I got.. gal-0.19.2.tar.gz ----------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig gtkhtml-1.0.1-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------ gcfg \ --with-bonobo \ --without-gconf make all install ldconfig **************************************** ********** SPECIAL NOTICE!!! *********** **************************************** Evolution: If you want, as I did, to use the very latest version of evolution rather than the one that comes from ximians release, then you will need to download the latest version of gtkhtml and other support files with the source of evolution... This is what I got.. gtkhtml-1.0.2.tar.gz -------------------- gcfg \ --with-bonobo \ --without-gconf make all install ldconfig libgtop-1.0.12-ximian.3.src.rpm ------------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig rep-gtk-0.15-ximian.4.src.rpm ----------------------------- gcfg \ --with-libglade \ --with-gdk-pixbuf \ --with-gnome-canvas-pixbuf make all install ldconfig gob-1.0.10-ximian.1.src.rpm --------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig sawfish-0.38-ximian.4.src.rpm ----------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../sawfish-always_install_wm-properties.patch patch -Np1 -i ../sawfish-custom-defaults.patch gcfg \ --with-gdk-pixbuf \ --disable-linguas make all install ldconfig pilot-link-0.9.5-ximian.2.src.rpm --------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../pilot-link-deleted-record.patch patch -Np1 -i ../pilot-link-sync-leak.patch patch -Np1 -i ../pilot-link-util-leak.patch ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig xml-i18n-tools-0.8.4-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i../xml-i18n-tools-add-strategic-brace.patch ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install ldconfig gnome-core- ----------------------------------- *************************************************** ******************** NOTE ************************* *************************************************** uudecode needed for gnome-core... finally found this software, it's part of sharutils ftp.gnu.org/gnu/sharutils/sharutils-4.2.1.tar.gz I had trouble compiling this, but whipped the binary out of another dist. if you can't get it or compile, then e-mail me and I'll put them online. patch -p1 -i ../ximian-logo-license.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-hint-ugly_blue.patch patch -p1 -i ../panel-saner_defaults.patch patch -p1 -i ../panel-no_menu_tooltips.patch patch -p1 -i ../panel-new_keybindings.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-terminal-sanefont.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-helix-pixmaps.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-suse-script.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-helix-splash.patch patch -p1 -i ../panel-deskguide-nothumbs.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-foobar-rounded-in-your-face.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-ximian-desktop-fixup.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-foobar-restructure.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-panel-no-menutitles.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-terminal-larger-scrollback-default.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-gsm-launch-doorman.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-tasklist-titles-in-menu.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-gsm-splash-use-speakernotes-icon.patch patch -p1 -i ../gnome-core-mdk-8-session.patch gcfg \ --with-window-manager=sawfish \ --enable-gtkhtml-help make all install cd pixmaps mkdir /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/helix mv helix-splash.uue /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/helix/a pushd /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/helix uudecode helix-splash.uue rm helix-splash.uue chmod +r helix-splash.png popd mkdir /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ximian mv ximian*.uue /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ximian pushd /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ximian uudecode *.uue rm *.uue chmod +r * popd uudecode *.uue cp *.png /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ ldconfig ****************** I had some errors here with msgfmt, not sure why, didn't on previous lfs's. However problem not major because these were in the translations, perhaps my kernel was bad on locales or something.. any info here would be nice, but a sufficient workaround is to copy po/en_GB.po to any .po file which doesn't work and make again. If the .po is one for your language, then I dunno what to do - sucks to be you I guess ;) gnome-applets- -------------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i../screenshooter-save-as-png.patch patch -Np1 -i../gweather-disable-radar-map.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig gnome-audio-1.4.0-ximian.1.src.rpm ---------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-audio-destdir.patch make install gnome-games- ------------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-games-fix-help-paths.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-games-no-kill-bill.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-games-stones-keys.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-games-stones-make.patch patch -Np1 -i ../same-gnome-default-crashy.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig gnome-media-1.2.3-ximian.1.src.rpm ---------------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig gnome-pim-1.4.0-ximian.7.src.rpm -------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-pim-gnomecard-sizing-and-file-loading-fixlets.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-pim-use-new-gnome-pilot.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig gnome-pilot-0.1.64-ximian.1.src.rpm ----------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-pilot-dont-clean-gob-files.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-pilot-jp-mods.patch gcfg make && make install ldconfig gnome-utils-1.4.0-ximian.8.src.rpm ---------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-utils-1.0.1-sparkle.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-utils-1.0.12-fixdistr.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-utils-1.4.0-fat-default.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-utils-gshutdown-help.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gnome-utils-gw-help.patch gcfg --with-messages=/var/log/sys.log make all install ldconfig xscreensaver-3.32-ximian.8.src.rpm ---------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../xscreensaver-no-confusing-dialogs.patch patch -Np1 -i ../xscreensaver-no-yellow-text.patch patch -Np1 -i ../xscreensaver-reenable-window-id.patch patch -Np1 -i ../xscreensaver-sort-hacks-less-memory.patch patch -Np1 -i ../xscreensaver-ximian-branding.patch patch -Np1 -i ../xscreensaver-drop-bad-hacks.patch gcfg \ --with-gtk \ --with-gnome \ --enable-subdir=xdemos make all install ldconfig gnome-user-docs-1.4.1-ximian.2.src.rpm -------------------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig gnomemm-1.2.0-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------ gcfg make all install ldconfig panelmm-0.1-ximian.2.src.rpm ---------------------------- gcfg make all install ldconfig mc-4.5.54-ximian.6.src.rpm -------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.35-fixwarning.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.35-xtermcolor.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.36-mimekeys.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.51-extention.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.51-gnome-editor.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.51-showagain.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-4.5.51-stderr.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-cons.saver-security.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-create-user-visible-desktop-symlink.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-ctree_love.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-fix-terminal-launch.patch patch -Np1 -i ../mc-no-string-inlines.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig gdm- ----------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-conf.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-daemon-verify-deps.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-gnome-session.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-locale-alias.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-look-for-xsession.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-pam-config.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-sysconfdir-fix.patch patch -Np1 -i ../gdm-ximian-logo.patch patch -Np1 -i ../ximian-logo-license.patch gcfg make all install ldconfig ximian-wallpapers-0.2-ximian.1.src.rpm -------------------------------------- datadir=/opt/gnome/share ./install-wallpapers.sh ximian-menus-1.4-ximian.5.src.rpm --------------------------------- patch -Np1 -i ../ximian-menus-ximian-evolution.patch gcfg make && make install ldconfig ximian-utils-0.2-ximian.1.src.rpm --------------------------------- gcfg make && make install ldconfig ximian-setup-tools-0.8.0-ximian.1.src.rpm ----------------------------------------- *** THIS WOULD NOT WORK ON MY SYSTEM *** Going on about Control Center, but some part called config_archiver is what it wants. dont know how needed these are. patch -p1 -i ../ximian-setup-tools-correct-directories.patch gcfg make && make install ldconfig ximian-faq-1.0-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------- prefix=/opt/gnome ./install.sh helix-sweetpill-1.0-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------------ ** DO NOT DECOMPRESS THESE ARCHIVES!! ** patch -Np1 -i ./sawfish-themes-makefile.patch prefix=/opt/gnome make install sawfish-themes-0.2-ximian.1.src.rpm ----------------------------------- ** DO NOT DECOMPRESS THESE ARCHIVES!! ** patch -Np1 -i ./sawfish-themes-makefile.patch prefix=/opt/gnome make install ximian-doorman-1.0.6-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------------- note there are patches in this package, but they wouldn't work for some reason. gcfg make && make install ldconfig librsvg-1.0.1-ximian.2.src.rpm ------------------------------ patch -Np1 -i ../librsvg-rh-mb.patch gcfg make make install ldconfig bonobo-conf-0.14-ximian.1.src.rpm --------------------------------- *** SPECIAL NOTE *** if you are wanting to use a more up to date source for evolution you may need to get a more up to date version of this. In my case this source is fine, but by the time you read this it may not be. gcfg make make install ldconfig ******************************************************************************* ****************************** SETUP MOSTLY DONE! ***************************** ******************************************************************************* Ok here you've pretty much got a working system, from here on you can opt out of installing most things unless you want the specific app. A few things need configuring to work, so I will detail them here. CONFIGURING:gdm =============== run gdmconfig look at all the options, BASIC/EXPER/SYSTEM etc, some items are *RED* these need your attention to enable the program to work properly. on mine the following needed addressing: BASIC/Login.. -> Logo: picture missing, isn't installed from gdm for some reason, can be by applying patch as stated above, then cd pixmaps uudecode ximian-gdm-screen.uue mkdir /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ximian/ cp ximian-gdm-screen.png /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ximian/ chmod +r /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ximian/ximian-gdm-screen.png BASIC/Face.. -> Global faces you can just create the dir. EXPERT/Login.. -> Session dir remove /X11 EXPERT/X-server setup -> Server def alter 0 /usr/bin/X11/X vt7 to be /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7 (use Edit Server) SYSTEM/Paths.. -> Display init remove /X11 SYSTEM/Paths.. -> PRE session remove /X11 SYSTEM/Paths.. -> POST session remove /X11 SYSTEM/Chooser -> Dir host img just create the dir if you want finally you will need to add user & group gdm /etc/passwd: gdm:x:10:12::: /etc/group : gdm:x:12:root,gdm change the ownership of /opt/gnome/var/gdm chown -R gdm /opt/gnome/var/gdm chgrp -R gdm /opt/gnome/var/gdm ** note no. 12 is changable depending on what users/groups you have already ******************************************************************************* gnet-1.0.4-ximian.2.src.rpm --------------------------- patch -p1 -i ../gnet-no-debdir.patch gcfg && make && make install && ldconfig monkeytalk-1.0.2-ximian.1.src.rpm --------------------------------- gcfg && make && make install ldconfig xchat-1.8.7-ximian.1.src.rpm ---------------------------- gcfg && make && make install ldconfig evo-openldap-2.0.11-ximian.7.src.rpm ------------------------------------ patch -Np1 -i ../openldap-enable-config-cache.patch ./configure --prefix=/usr make depend make && make install ldconfig evolution-1.0.1-ximian.2.src.rpm -------------------------------- [THIS TOOK ABOUT 3 HOURS!!!] ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome make && make install ************************************** ****** SPECIAL NOTE ON NEWER ********* obviously note that if you want a new version of evolution you need to get the source and compile ;) evolution-1.0.5.tgz ------------------- gcfg --enable-pilot-conduits=yes \ --with-db3=/usr/local \ --with-db3-includes=/usr/local/include/db3 \ --with-db3-libs=/usr/local/lib && make && make install && ldconfig xmms-1.2.5-ximian.4.src.rpm --------------------------- gcfg make && make install Mozila for Nautilus ******************* Mozilla requires extra installs before compile zip2.3 [zip23.tgz] ------ downloads from http://www.info-zip.org. Note you may want to get both zip23 and unzip550.tgz for unzipping in general. make -f unix/Makefile generic make -f unix/Makefile install mv /usr/local/bin/zip* /usr/bin unzip-5.50 [unzip550.tgz] ---------- make -f unix/Makefile generic make -f unix/Makefile install mv /usr/local/bin/zip* /usr/bin mv /usr/local/bin/unzip* /usr/bin mozilla-0.9.5-ximian.1.src.rpm ------------------------------ Note that at time of writing mozilla-1.0.rc1 is available, so this is what is used for the compilation. ./configure --prefix=/opt/mozilla \ --with-x \ --with-pthreads \ --with-system-jpeg \ --with-system-zlib \ --with-system-mng \ --enable-toolkit-gtk \ --enable-toolkit-xlib \ --enable-xft \ --disable-debug \ --enable-crypto \ --enable-optimize='-O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686' \ --enable-reorder \ --enable-strip \ --enable-xterm-updates \ --enable-cpp-rtti \ --enable-cpp-exceptions \ --enable-default-toolkit=gtk export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1 export BUILD_OFFICIAL=1 make -f client.mk build cd xpinstaller/packager make You now have a 'distubution' of mozilla, which is in dist/ in the source base. You now untar that in /opt and bob's you uncle. cd /opt/ tar xzf /location/of/source/dist/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz ****************************************************************************** mozilla 1.0 [mozilla-source-1.0.rc1.tar.gz] ----------- ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-toolkit-gtk \ --enable-toolkit-xlib \ --disable-mailnews \ --disable-accessibility \ --disable-debug \ --enable-strip && make This build doesn't install, so do this: mkdir /opt/mozilla cp -RL dist/* /opt/mozilla ******************************************************************************* Add the following to /etc/ld.so.conf /opt/mozilla/bin /opt/mozilla/lib And add the following to your .bashrc and other places and PATHS: export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/mozilla/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mozilla/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH HERE HERE HERE HERE!!!! eel-1.0.1-ximian.4.src.rpm -------------------------- patch -p1 -i ../eel-dont-remove-built-headers.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-defaultfont.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-cvs.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-labelflash.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-styles.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-font-misc.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-maketrash.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-mbellipsize.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-mbiconlabels.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-header_mb.patch patch -p1 -i ../eel-rh-bghack.patch gcfg make make install nautilus-1.0.4-ximian.10.src.rpm -------------------------------- patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-change-default-background-color.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-no-trash-folders-dialog.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-find-nspr.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-add-ximian-bookmark.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-disable-sound-preview-by-default.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-noflash.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-mozilla-0.9.5.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-bghack.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-norootwarning.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-removeicons.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-desktop-file-sources.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-monitor-includes.patch patch -p1 -i ../nautilus-iconv-fix.patch gcfg --with-mozilla-lib-place=/foo/bar/mozilla/dist/bin \ --with-mozilla-include-place=/foo/bar/mozilla/dist/include gimp-1.2.2-ximian.2.src.rpm --------------------------- gcfg && make && make install && ldconfig pan-0.9.7-ximian.6.src.rpm -------------------------- gcfg && make && make install && ldconfig ggv-1.0.1-ximian.1.src.rpm -------------------------- patch -p1 ../ggv-bonobo-cflags.patch gcfg && make && make install ldconfig --TODO-- --------- -NOT DONE YET- libnspr4-4.1-ximian.3.src.rpm [something to do with mozilla] -NOT DONE YET- glade-0.6.2-ximian.2.src.rpm pygtk-0.6.8-ximian.1.src.rpm [NEED PYTHON !] ./configure --prefix=/usr make all install --NOT DONE YET!-- abisuite- dia-0.88.1-ximian.1.src.rpm gaim-0.11.0pre9-ximian.3.src.rpm gftp-2.0.8-ximian.2.src.rpm gnapster-1.4.2-ximian.3.src.rpm gnumeric-0.71-ximian.1.src.rpm ammonite-1.0.0-ximian.1.src.rpm battstat_applet-2.0.9-ximian.5.src.rpm eog-0.6-ximian.8.src.rpm g-wrap-0.9.12-ximian.3.src.rpm gedit-0.9.7-ximian.1.src.rpm ghex-1.2.1-ximian.1.src.rpm glimmer-1.0.1-ximian.3.src.rpm gnomeicu-0.96.1-ximian.2.src.rpm gnucash-1.4.11-ximian.5.src.rpm gphoto-0.4.3-ximian.4.src.rpm gqview-0.10.1-ximian.3.src.rpm grdb-0.2.4-ximian.3.src.rpm grip-2.95-ximian.3.src.rpm gtop-1.0.13-ximian.1.src.rpm memprof-0.4.0-ximian.1.src.rpm perl-GTK70-0.7008-ximian.1.src.rpm pygnome-1.4.1-ximian.1.src.rpm red-carpet-1.2.1-ximian.2.src.rpm sane-1.0.3-ximian.3.src.rpm swig-1.1p5-ximian.2.src.rpm xsane-0.75-ximian.4.src.rpm ** DIDNT WORK, SO ITS HERE, NOT SURE WHERE IT'S NEEDED ** gnome-guile-0.20-ximian.3.src.rpm gcfg make all install usermode-1.36-ximian.4.src.rpm [NEEDS PAM!] PATCHED: usermode-makefile-fixups.patch make && make install ximian-south-1.2-ximian.1.src.rpm [SKIN OR SOMETHING FOR NAUT?] ximian-south-meta-0.1.0-ximian.2.src.rpm evo-db3-3.1.17-ximian.2.src.rpm [NO NEED AS HIGHER DB3 DONE]