AUTHOR: Leslie Polzer DATE: 2003-09-14 LICENSE: GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2 SYNOPSIS: Making IPX work with LinuxFromScratch DESCRIPTION: This guide aids the user in setting up kernel- and userspace for the IPX network protocol and its interfaces. PREREQUISITES: None. HINT: Contents -------- 1 Overview 1.1 What is IPX? 1.2 Why IPX? 1.3 Notes 2 Kernel matters 2.1 Configuration 2.2 Files in /proc/net 3 Software requirements and build process 3.1 Fixing ipx.h 3.2 Downloading, unpacking and building 3.3 Installing 3.3.1 For SysVInit boot scripts 3.3.2 For BSD boot scripts 4 References and pointers 1 Overview ========== 1.1 What is IPX? ---------------- IPX is a networking protocol, much like TCP/IP, introduced by Novell and used in their Netware products. 1.2 Why IPX? ------------ IPX is still very common with games - and, of course, Netware boxes. 1.3 Notes --------- I make the following assumptions: - you have only one ethernet interface by the name of 'eth0' - this interface is configured for TCP/IP and up - you want the standard frame type 802.2 - you are able to consult the IPX-Howto (see section 4 for a link) if you want to know more You should meet these requirements if you followed the LFS installation. Please note also that I won't cover the installation of ncpfs. 2 Kernel matters ================ 2.1 Configuration ----------------- Enable 'Networking options' -> 'The IPX protocol' (CONFIG_IPX, that is), then compile and install your kernel. 2.2 Files in /proc/net ---------------------- Now you got three new files in /proc/net, all starting with 'ipx': - ipx The list of open IPX sockets. - ipx_route The list of routing table entries. - ipx_interface The list of configured IPX interfaces. 3 Software requirements and build process ========================================= 3.1 Fixing ipx.h ---------------- We must fix the header file ipx.h. There are two patches for it, an old one and a new one. For LFS 4.0 and up use the new one. Old Patch: New Patch: Apply it with (I assume the patch file is also in /usr/include/linux): cd /usr/include/linux && patch < linux_ipx_h.patch 3.2 Downloading, unpacking and building --------------------------------------- Now we can build the IPX tools. Get the tarball from: And unpack the archive: tar xvfz ipx.tgz cd ipx-1.0/ Compile the package by typing make CFLAGS="-O2 -w" You shouldn't get any errors. 3.3 Installing -------------- 3.3.1 For SysVInit boot scripts ------------------------------- The makefile will install sysvinit bootscripts, yet be careful: If you have an LFS-system before 3.2-RC1 (3.1 or earlier, that is), you got no /etc/rc.d directory but all the sysvinit-bootcrap in /etc. Either make a symlink in /etc: cd /etc && ln -sf . rc.d -or- adjust the Makefile in the top-level source dir: cat Makefile | sed -e "s/\/etc\/rc.d\//\/etc\//g" > Makefile Then adjust the man path in the Makefile: cat Makefile | sed -e "s/\/usr\/man\//\/usr\/share\/man\//" > Makefile and type su -c "make install" to install the binaries, the man pages and the bootscripts. The last step is to activate the configuration in /etc/sysconfig/ipx: su -c 'cat /etc/sysconfig/ipx | sed -e "s/IPX_CONFIGURED=no/IPX_CONFIGURED=yes/" > /etc/sysconfig/ipx' 3.3.2 For BSD boot scripts -------------------------- Install the binaries and man pages with: for i in 'ipx_configure ipx_interface ipx_internal_net ipx_route' do install --strip $i /sbin install $i.8 /usr/share/man/man8 done Then adjust your network init script(s). If you followed the BSD-init hint, these are: /etc/rc.d/rc.2 /etc/rc.d/rc.3 Find the line where eth0 is configured ('ifconfig eth0 [...]') and write below it: /sbin/ipx_interface add -p eth0 802.2 0x00000001 This assumes you want frame type 802.2 and IPX network address 1. Note that Microsoft Windows boxes use 0 as the default, which is an invalid address. If you want these computers to talk to your Linux box, you must manually adjust the properties of the IPX/SPX protocol in the network properties dialog. 4 References and pointers ========================= [1] The IPX-HowTo - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: * Izzy Blacklock for patch for kernel 2.4.18 headers * Richard Jenniss for notifying me about a mistake (frame type 802.2 isn't obsolete) CHANGELOG: [2003-07-24] * Added patch for kernel 2.4.18 headers as suggested by Izzy Blacklock [2003-09-14] * Initial release [2003-10-27] * removed 'obsolete' regarding frame type 802.2 - it isn't