AUTHOR: Richard A Downing DATE: 2005-08-20 LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 SYNOPSIS: How to install Lexmark's binary printer drivers. DESCRIPTION: Lexmark publish printer drivers for a number of their printers on their website. Unfortunately, these are binary drivers, not source code, so if you have one of these printers you have no choice but to use the binary driver. This hint explains how to get the driver packages, extract the binary drivers, and install them on a LFS/BLFS system. ATTACHMENTS: None PREREQUISITES: You'll need to have installed CUPS and a compatible Ghostscript using the BLFS instructions. The Lexmark drivers are currently compiled using, so install gcc-3.3.x from BLFS if you use gcc-3.4 or later. You will also need rpm2targz, from: HINT: Get the Lexmark package from I have a Z515 so I used: Unpack the tarball like this: mkdir sandbox cd sandbox tar -xvf ../CJLZ600LE-CUPS-1.0-1.TAR.gz This gets you a script, but it won't work for LFS/BLFS setups (we don't have rpm for a start), so strip the script from the data with: tail -n +143 > install.tar.gz and unpack that tarball: tar -xvf install.tar.gz which gives you a lot of files, including two rpms. These need to be converted to tarballs: rpm2targz z600cups-1.0-1.i386.rpm rpm2targz z600llpddk-2.0-1.i386.rpm Now, providing your cups installation is standard (like BLFS), install the driver with: tar -xvzf z600cups-1.0-1.i386.tar.gz -C / tar -xvzf z600llpddk-2.0-1.i386.tar.gz -C / You can test that all is well by running the cups backend for the printer: /usr/lib/cups/backend/z600 which should return something like: direct z600:/dev/usb/lp0 "Lexmark Lexmark 510 Series" "Lexmark Printer" Now restart your cups daemon: /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart You can now use either lpadmin or the web interface to set up your printer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: * The GENTOO Wiki of this topic: CHANGELOG: [2005-08-20] * Initial hint.