AUTHOR: Dr. Edgar Alwers DATE: 2010-04-12 LICENSE: GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2 SYNOPSIS: How to install mgetty+sendfax from sources DESCRIPTION: Compilation and Installation of mgetty+sendfax from the sources. Faxes may be send direct from the PC by running first "faxspool" and then "faxrunq". Documents may be queed from the editor (e.g. StarOffice ) to the fax-queue and then sent with "faxrunq" PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge in compiling programs. Should run on all LFS versions. This update was tested with LFS 6.5 and BLFS Version svn-20100411. HINT: Download: mgetty1.1.36-Jun15.tar.gz Netpbm (image manipulation/conversion graphics utilities ) netpbm-10.35.74.tgz March 24, 2010, super stable. GPL ghostscript-8.71.tar.gz Installing GPL Ghostscript: ( see also BLFS Book version svn-20100411 chapter 39, printing ) Untar tar xvjf ghostscript-8.71.tar.gz and change to the ghostscript-8.71 directory cd ghostscript-8.71 Run configure: ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-dynamic Then run make make install docdir=/usr/share/doc/ghostscript-8.71 You may also need to download the ghostscript fonts. Get them from Download "ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz" to the directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ghostscript. GPL looks in /usr/share/ghostscript for the fonts. So you will need in /usr/share/ghostscript a link: ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ghostscript/fonts fonts Untar tar xvzf ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11tar.gz Installing netpbm's utility pbmtext: Faxspool will only need the text of the pixel converter pbmtext: Untar the file with tar xvzf netpbm-10.35.74.tgz and change to the netpbm-10.35.74 directory cd netpbm-10.35.74 run the configure file: ./configure and answer the questions as follows: platform: gnu regular or merge build regular libnetpbm static headerfile that defines wint32_t etc JPEG library none TIFF library none Z library none X11 library /lib/X11R6/lib/ X11 interface headers default Svgalib library Svgalib header directory default Documentation URL You may change the resulting Makefile.config, if necessary. Change to the directory generator: cd generator make pbmtext and finally copy the executable to the bin directory: cp pbmtext /usr/local/bin Installing mgetty: Untar tar xvzf mgetty1.1.36-Jun15.tar.gz and change to the directory mgetty-1.1.36: cd mgetty-1.1.36 Copy the file "policy.h-dist" to "policy.h": cp policy.h.dist policy.h Edit the Makefile and change line 167 from INSTALL=install -c -o bin -g bin to INSTALL=install -c -o root -g root Change line 176 to "prefix=/usr" edit the next lines according to your needs or accept the suggestions in the Makefile. mgetty needs a user "fax". So, if "fax" does not exist, create it with useradd -D Run make and make install. Change to the directory /usr/etc/mgetty+sendfax: cd /usr/etc/mgetty+sendfax and edit the file sendfax.config. Change the line which devices to use for outgoing faxes from fax-devices tty4c:tty4d to fax-devices ttyS0:ttyS2 and the line which fax number to transmit to the receiving station from fax-id 49 115 xxxxxxxx into your own fax line number. Edit the dial-prefix line e.g. in dial-prefix ATDT. Uncomment the line port ttyS0, if this is the port of your modem. You might need also a modem initialisation string. I inserted modem-init ATS7=255 You might edit the file "faxheader" in the same directory. Finally, you should create and edit a file "fax.allow" or "fax.deny" in the same directory, to define access control for users other than root. Testing faxspool: You are now ready to run a first test with faxspool. With your prefered editor ( vi ? ), create a file test.txt and then run ( as user ) faxspool 123456 /your/directory/test.txt where "123456" stands for the telefon number of a fax receiver. You can have a look at the fax file in the converted g3 format with Okular The fax image is stored in /var/spool/fax/outgoing Fax spooling from StarOffice7: Open spadmin in StarOffice7's directory, choose new printer -> connect a fax device -> default driver and enter the command faxspool (PHONE) (TMP) in the corresponding window. If you are using a recent version of gcc, e.g. 4.4.2, you may get an error ...staroffice/program/ version 'GCC_4.2.0' not found ( required by /usr/lib/ )  when testing to send a fax. In this case, you should exchange the old library in /home/user/staroffice7/program/ by the new one in /usr/lib. Print a job to the fax printer, and a window will pop up, asking for the fax number. That's all. Sending Faxes: run -as root - "faxrunq" LITERATURE : Gert Doering: mgetty+sendfax manual ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This hint is now much simpler thanks to advises given by Akira F. Urushibata, "Prophet of the Way", long time contributor of Netpbm. Also the executable of Netpbm is now much smaller. CHANGELOG: [2003-10-13] Changed hint to new format. Some minor adjustments. Changed versions of mgetty, netpbm and ESPG Ghostscript [2004-08-24] Changed versions of mgetty and ESPG Ghostscript. Programs placed under /usr and not under /usr/local. Changed download-URL's.Changed configuration commands. [2005-04-16] Changed versions of mgetty and netpbm. New LFS and BLFS books for kernel 2.6.8 architecture [2007-01-20] Changed versions of mgetty and netpbm. New LFS and BLFS books for kernel 2.6.18 architecture. Changed procedures for the build of Netpbm. [2010-04-12] Changed versions of mgetty and netpbm. New LFS and BLFS books. Kernel New ghostscript package. Runs under KDE-4.4.1