
Introduction to gst-plugins

The gst-plugins package builds graphics and multimedia CODEC interface modules for the GStreamer package. There are over 150 different modules that can be built, providing GStreamer the capability to create a pipeline for almost every known media stream.

Package information

Installation of gst-plugins

Install gst-plugins by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc &&
make &&
make install &&

Command explanations

--with-gconf-schema-file-dir=/etc/gnome/gconf/schemas: Use this option if you have the GNOME-2 GConf package installed.

--enable-gdk-pixbuf-loader: Use this option to build the GDK pixbuf loader module if you have GTK+-2 installed.

--enable-xine: Use this option to build the Xine wrapper module if you have xine-libs installed.

Note: all other modules are built if the configure script discovers the required package. To prevent a module from being built, pass --disable-[module] to configure. Run configure --help for all the available module names.


The gst-plugins package contains gst-launch-ext-0.8, gst-visualise-0.8, libgst* libraries, numerous GStreamer plugins and a Gstreamer GDK pixbuf loader module.



gst-launch-ext-0.8 is used to run a basic predefined GStreamer pipeline as a quick test to ensure proper working of codecs and GStreamer.


gst-visualise-0.8 is used to run a basic GStreamer pipeline to display a graphical visualisation of an audio stream.

Last updated on 2005-01-25 12:21:25 -0700